If you think you may be ready to quit the rat race and work from home, you might decide to ease into your new choice by supplementing your income while you keep your 9-to-5 job. Many entrepreneurs start part-time, and you can, too, by choosing from the top ten home based business ideas on the market today. There is a huge range of jobs you can choose from, given your special talents.
Of course, the down side of a second job is that you often are tempted to fritter away your additional income on luxuries. You may think you ?deserve? to indulge yourself because you ?work so hard.? However, don?t waste your extra income on pizza and takeout. Instead, take a wealth management course so you know how to maximize your earning power.
Here are the top ten home based business ideas for 2011:
1. Transcriptions
If you can type quickly and with relatively few mistakes, you might consider offering transcription services. Medical offices, lawyers, and other industries often outsource their transcription needs.
2. Child Care
If you are a stay-at-home mom looking to increase your income, offering child care in your home is another option. You may need to limit the number of kids you take in, depending on the laws in your state and even the regulations in your neighborhood. However, keeping a friend?s kid a few days a week is a great way to earn extra money and start your newfound career.
3. Catering
If you love to cook, you might consider starting a catering business from home. Again, you might have to check into the regulations surrounding your career, but many caterers started in their own home kitchens.
4. Medical Billing
If you have a background in medicine or claims processing, you might consider getting a second job in medical billing. Many hospitals and doctors outsource their billing needs.
5. Accounting
If you have a good head for figures and are meticulous with your math, then you might consider bookkeeping as a second career option. Many small business owners would rather hire an accountant than deal with the headache of keeping the books themselves.
6. Tax Preparation
As tax season begins, the need for qualified tax professionals skyrockets. Many tax preparation companies offer courses to train people in tax preparation, and you might consider this as a lucrative seasonal job.
7. E-Books
If you know a lot on a particular subject, you might consider compiling your wisdom into an e-book. For example, if you successfully potty-trained your child, you might consider drafting an e-book that lays out the formula for potty-training success. Offer downloads at a reasonable price, and you might have a second career as an author.
8. Crafting
Turn your favorite hobby into a lucrative second job by offering your wares for sale on websites like Etsy and eBay. If you like to sew, do needlework, make jewelry and soap, or even do photography, you can make easy cash and indulge your creativity at the same time.
9. Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a kind of passive income in which you allow other companies to advertise on your website or blog. For every website visitor who clicks on the ad, you receive a commission. This kind of marketing is usually piggybacked with another type of money-making opportunity.
10. Resume services
With the job market as competitive as it is today, many job seekers are turning to professional resume services to help them draft a winning resume. If you have excellent writing and grammar skills, you might consider offering your services as a resume preparation specialist.
Source: http://www.killersnails.com/?p=587
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