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Top 10 Reasons To Hire a Personal Trainer | Personal Training ...

Lexington KY?s Top Personal Trainer Jay Scott lists his Top 10 Reasons To Hire a Personal Trainer! Personal Training is all about helping you succeed ? so read on and find out exactly how a Personal Trainer can help you achieve your goals!


When I sat down to make a list about why you should hire a personal trainer, it quickly became obvious that there are a lot more than 10 reasons to do so. I have a full schedule of clients here in Lexington KY, and plan on eventually growing my business in other cities as well. Why do I have these clients? Because they realize that the majority of the 10 reasons I have listed here are true and that they apply to them.


I hope you enjoy this list, and I hope that it helps you to realize that personal training isn?t just a passing fad, it?s a life altering experience that will not only give you a much greater quantity of life, but also a much greater quality of life.


Years added to your life, and life added to your years. Enjoy the list.


10.? ?Love? Osmosis ? This one may sound strange, but in fact it is a great help in achieving your goals. Not everyone ?loves? fitness and nutrition ? if they did it would be a very different world ? and probably one you wouldn?t want to live in.


Those who love working out and fitness have a very unique disposition, and that disposition comes with its own unique set of problems.


Everyone has a skill-set; yours may be baking, accounting, working on cars, or being a housewife. My skill-set is fitness and nutrition. I love talking about it, teaching it, and living it every day.


When you come into contact with me (or a good personal trainer) you will notice that they have a certain ?aura? about them ? that aura is the love of fitness. You will actually feel it in the room and be able to absorb some of it.


You will gain motivation and dedication from that aura of love, and it will propel you towards your goals.


9. Avoid Fads, Gimmicks and Gadgets ? Every week someone comes out with a ?diet? book, ab machine or some other fly by night gimmick. It?s a sad but true part of this world.


Everyone wants an easy fix, a pill, a potion, an ab machine or easy to follow diet plan. Unfortunately there isn?t one.


But don?t be disheartened ? at CE-Fitness I teach you the truth about diet and exercise ? some you will probably consider good news and some bad ? but regardless it is the truth.


I teach you how to adapt to that truth mentally and absorb it into your life. No longer will you think that you need the food of two people to survive (it?s almost always shocking to see how many calories are in most of your daily foods). No longer will you think you have to work out hours on end to get results.


With CE-Fitness you will avoid all of the money consuming, time wasting, and probably most importantly; self-image destroying gimmicks that flood the airwaves and media.


Indeed you shall learn the truth and the truth shall set you free!


8. Respect ? I know this is a strange one to have on the list ? but being in shape gives you respect from others.


Being fit is an outward manifestation that shows that you have discipline and self-control.? It shows that you dedicate time to working out ? and it means that you are able to control the natural urge to eat everything in sight (trust me we all have it).


Sometimes it takes some time to overcome this tendency to do as little as possible and eat as much as possible ? but at CE-Fitness you will work to become a master at denying those natural human instincts.


When you are slim and fit it will become apparent that others ?know? that you put the time in to maintain a trim, healthy body ?? and they will give you more respect.


Honestly I feel like I talked too much about the respect of ?others? above. So now let?s cover the most important aspect of respect ? you will respect yourself much, much more as well when you have control of your food and lifestyle. And that is the ultimate form of respect.


7. Become a ?Mythbuster? ? Myths are like great stories that we grew up on ? they are burned deep within, and they are hard to let go of sometimes.


The myth of Spot Reduction (doing sit ups to remove body fat). The myth of eating 6 small meals a day. The myth of working out hours a day to get results. The myth of the Flying Mothman Sasquatch (OK, I made that one up).

You?ll have a better chance of finding this guy than losing belly fat from crunches alone?

But the truth is we have to let these myths go if we want results. Too many people search endlessly for the ?secret? method that all of the thin people know ? ?but has been kept from them.


They want the secret that the movie stars have.


Well let me tell you the secret: Reduce your food and increase your exercise. Emphasis on the ?reduce your food? part.


If you think that movie stars have a secret pill you are sadly mistaken. If you think they cut out one food and instantly become slim you are mistaken.


We are all in the same boat.


The secret is to avoid those pesky myths like the plague, and waste no time on them. Learn how to eat less and workout more (and smarter) without sacrificing your lifestyle (this is what CE-Fitness is all about).


If you do that, then I promise you will be busting other peoples myths when they ask you your ?secret?. And you will help everyone you encounter that is interested in a fit, healthy body progress and save time. Now that?s a good feeling.


6. Learn to take time ? It?s really hard to teach people to take time for themselves. Everything is fast food, already prepared, quick and easy.


But life itself is not quick and easy ? and it takes some thought to be successful at anything you choose to do.


It?s the same with fitness ? you simply must take a few minutes to plan things out.

With exercise we take care of that immediately when you sign up for a CE-Fitness Program. You schedule your sessions and you are obligated to complete them in a given period of time. I?m there to walk you through the best thing to do for your particular body ? and I?m there to offer any help I can give.


Then I leave.


Sure I?m there for you with the phone, email or text if you need me ? but I?m not physically there to prepare your meals ? I?m not there help you out in choosing foods at restaurants etc.


That?s why you must learn to take time yourself. With the addition of CE-Fitness Studios I have taken a step further in the education of my clients. Clients will now receive a complementary ?cooking and recipe class? that will show them exactly how to take the time for their meals.


They will know exactly what to do ? but it will still require doing.


So how much time are we talking about? Well, as for me personally ? preparing my meals requires sitting a bowl or plate on a scale and seeing how much I am eating ? and it requires looking at labels.


I would say I spend an extra 5-10 minutes a day total preparing food than the average person (after all sometimes there are delays ? even at fast food restaurants).


It may not seem like a lot ? but it can be overwhelming to make even a small change in daily life. With CE-Fitness Studios ? I?m working on pushing clients over the hump ? because once you are there you have won a major battle.


5. Learn what to eat ? This is another one that CE-Fitness Studios is really going to help out with.


What exactly do you eat?


Well you have two choices ? eat high fat, high calorie foods ? and eat very little; or eat low calorie, high protein foods and eat a lot, lot, more.


The reason for this is that you can fit a ton more veggies, lean meats, and low fat proteins in to a certain number of calories than you can high fat, high energy options.


Calories are calories, but what you choose determines how much food can go into the stomach to keep you satisfied.


4. Learn to accept yourself ? It?s hard to admit that you eat too much, exercise too little, or have any other imperfection.


I know this because I have this problem as well. But in order to fix your problem you must learn to admit that you have one.


The only people I can?t help are the ones who swear they are not overeating. It?s quite obvious when someone is eating too much ? so denying it is futile ? but it?s also a very natural ?defense mechanism?.


I remember having countless excuses when my business was failing years ago. I spent about a decade wallowing in a moat of self-pity ? blaming everything from lack of popularity to the government for ?holding me down.?


Then I finally let go of that ?defense mechanism? and literally had a serious talk with myself. I told myself I was not doing what was necessary to achieve success, and everything that had happened to me to this point in my life was my fault.


I cried, screamed, and had a pity party ? then I emerged a new man. I began to go after my goals and put in the sweat equity ? and now I am very successful with many, many more aspirations and goals to achieve.

If you want to succeed, there is no substitute.

Learning that life lesson removed the ?cap? that was limiting me ? and honestly now I see very few limits. In fact, if I told you my future goals ? goals that I truly believe I will achieve ? you would think I was smoking something.


The same happens with fitness. If you are trying to lose body fat/weight/inches and nothing is happening you are doing something wrong.


And doing something wrong is FINE! Now you know what to fix. Let go of the need to be perfect and enjoy being wrong ? because that means you can now fix things and be RIGHT!


Remember it?s not who is right, but what is right.


3. Motivation ? In order to achieve anything in life you must have a goal, and you must be motivated to achieve that goal.


A personal trainer can help you stay motivated ? through the ?love osmosis? we talked about earlier ? and also by reinforcing your goals. Repeating them to you and helping you to visualize the final product.


A good personal trainer will not only show you the way, but they will also make you excited to get on the path!


If you have a good personal trainer there will never be any doubt whatsoever that they care about you. There will never be a thought about whether they want you to succeed, and they will always treat you like a person ? never a pawn in their own game.


A good personal trainer makes a living as a side effect of helping people ? they don?t help people as a side effect of making a living.


2. Accountability ? This one almost made number one ? but I think you?ll see what it didn?t quite measure up in a minute.


You simply must do what needs to be done to get to a goal ? and doing what needs to be done consistently is often the hardest part.


You have a life ? you don?t want to set aside the time to work out, prepare a meal, or check your waist measurement.


You have kids, work, relationships, family, and countless other responsibilities.


CE-Fitness is all about keeping you accountable ? by looking at the scale, your current condition, what condition you are going for ? your measurements, photos, and more.


Doing this yourself is hard ? and let?s be honest ? do you really know what you are looking for besides a dropping scale number?


The body gives messages that are hard to decipher and can quickly lead to your saying ?well, this isn?t working ? let?s go to KFC.?


You need to know if what you are doing is working, and you also need someone to keep you from beating yourself up when results aren?t coming as quickly as you want them to.


I could go on and on but accountability is such a vast subject we will stop here for now. There could probably be a whole book written on this.


Suffice to say that a good personal trainer will keep you accountable without biting your head off if you have a bad week.


1. Health ? This is the big one.


You?ve probably heard ?If you don?t have your health, you don?t have anything? before. It?s true.


Health is the number one priority and a personal trainer should be able to improve that exponentially with a good exercise program.


There is nothing more important than your health.

In addition, a good personal trainer should be able to improve your health once again by giving you a scientifically backed nutrition program that you will follow.


Notice I said ?you will follow?. The nutrition thing is really in the client?s hands ? once the Trainer walks out the door he or she has no control over the client?s nutritional habits.


But if the plan is followed you should expect huge drops in blood pressure, amazing improvements in blood glucose readings, and an overall feeling of health and vitality.


You can expect to be on the earth for more time, reducing risks for serious disease ? but more importantly you can expect more quality from those years.


More running and playing with the kids and grand kids. More days that you feel like going out and enjoying this amazing planet, your family, friends and loved ones.


Can anything be more important than that? I don?t think it can, and that?s why I?m wrapping this list up with Health.


I hope you enjoyed my Top Ten Reason to Hire a Personal Trainer list, and I?ll be talking to you again very soon!


I wish everyone a wonderful and safe New Year!


nil desperandum ? NEVER GIVE UP!!!


Jay Scott





Owner: CE-Fitness Personal Training


Lexington, KY

Source: http://www.cefitness.net/top-10-reasons-to-hire-a-personal-trainer

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